Monday, April 16, 2012

Christian Bubble

** May offend you **

So, I've been thinking about this for a while now, and after seeing Beware Of Christians ( tonight I feel that I finally need to get it out. Here goes it. 

Something that really bothers me about myself and this whole bible belt and really all of the "christian community" is that we all live in this perfect little bubble world. We don't realize anything that goes on outside of us. We walk around doing the same things we've always done acting the same way we've always acted. We go to church, sing our songs, go to youth group, do our bible studies, but does anything really change? Do we ever think of what Christianity as a whole looks like from the outside? Do we look around us and at ourselves and say, what am I changing? What am I doing different? What makes me different? 

When I step back and look at Christianity as a whole, I see a bunch of different "denominations". I see a bunch of people who either stick to strict religious beliefs and laws that they think will allow them to "go to heaven", or a see people who say "saying a prayer" is all you have to do, we're sinners, go on and have fun (yolo, right?). But when I think about what it's supposed to be, isn't there only supposed to be one belief? One way? Why are there so many denominations?
 I see people who use Christianity as a business. Just a way to get income.
 I see it used as a way to make people feel good.
 As a way to manipulate people, and as a way to feel better about yourself. 
I see it used in all sorts of different ways that it is NOT supposed to be. But we all are in this "Christian Bubble" that we are oblivious to. We all walk around not changing anything, not doing anything about the downward spiral of this religion that SO MANY claim to believe in. And yet, where is the proof ? Where is the proof of this belief? That it's true. All I see is everyone going through the motions of what their parents or family did, or picking a denomination/belief that is most suitable to their lifestyle. I'm not trying to sound self righteous, I'm including myself in this. We need to seek it out for ourselves and LIVE it. Not say it, not use it when it's convenient, but really whole-heartedly live it. 

I just wish we could all stop and look at christianity as a whole and see how we are representing the God that we say we do. With myself I see that a lot of the time there is NO difference in the way I present myself, the entertainment I chose to watch/listen to, the things I do and how I act. I want to stop and look around and BE the different one. I hate having the term religious put with my name; because I don't see being religious as being a christian. Being religious is stale and monotonous. Religion is what people misuse to make others and themselves feel good, to make money, to manipulate, etc. Being a Christian should be a totally different thing. But, sadly, when you look at Christianity, it's not. 

If I weren't a christian, and if I didn't believe in God, or if I believed in a different God there is no way that I would change my mind by looking at the "Christian Bubble". We don't even live out what we preach, why would someone be a part of a religion that is full of hypocrites? They wont. Or if they do, we're just leading them down the same path into easy believism and a medicine to "numb" the pain. Not the real answer or cure. 

I challenge everyone who reads this to take a step back and really look at your Christian Bubble that you live in and evaluate it. Know I will be doing the same thing. What are you representing by the way you live, really?

Check these links out:
Beware Of Christians
Jesus V Religion

Lots of love! Gabrielle